Sunday, May 29, 2011

Learning to re-train the Mother Brain

As a creative Mum of two gorgeous, energetic boys I'm constantly torn between feelings of love and affection, and anger and frustration. The nature of Motherhood, especially to very young children, dictates that you will only ever be able to focus on one job, (usually sorting out socks), for a maximum of 4 or 5 minutes if you're lucky, before the next earth shattering disaster occurs, which you have to attend to immediately. 
Ok! ok! I know there's the amazing loving, nurturing side too, and I fully appreciate that, and wouldn't change a thing. 
However, my brain is definitely feeling much more frayed from the past 6 and half years of full time parenting than it did before,(and not just from the daily glass of wine).
So, I got to thinking about ways in which I could re-train my minuscule Mother Brain to cope with tasks that take longer than 5 minutes of concentration.
That's my answer. I have started sketching again and it feels bloody fantastic. 
All those years of full time training. 7 to be exact!!
I mean, for Fucks sake!, 7 years training in something most people learn in an evening class. Some people become doctors or lawyers or someone equally important in the same amount of time, and yet I still struggle to justify my purpose as an artist. Why!!??

So, I have been getting down to work on the job of portraits of my boys, and I've been working on a study of Dylan. The study is based around sketches and photos of him that I've taken over the past few months. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience, I hope you enjoy the result.
BTW it's far from perfect, but it's a start, just like me!!

Big hugs

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