We have finally come to the last day of the monster that was the 7 week school holiday. A day, which at times I have felt would never arrive. Among the 49 days, we have had some amazing experiences as well as some mighty challenging ones.
Now the last day is here I'm actually feeling a little sad it's all over. Sadness that Dylan is growing so fast and moving up to the next class. Sadness that after summer comes autumn, then winter. Sadness that I don't have any plans to visit my ageing Grandparents any time soon. I miss them.
However, through the sadness I also feel a sense of optimism.
Today is the beginning of my new year. A chance to let go of some negative emotions I have been hanging on to for a while and think about some new ways to express those emotions in a much more positive way in the future. Remembering every day to acknowledge all our amazing creative achievements, however small.
My first challenge is clear. I must work out a way to share the work/play/spare room. My table has been lost to Clutch Powers and his dangerous lego crocs...... I'm seriously scared!!!
Although I haven't managed to blog everyday, I have managed to keep the creative force going and we have had lots of fun along the way. Here is a very random selection, including some favourite oldies.
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