Monday, January 3, 2011

My Creative Mount Everest

Well, what can I say? Another Christmas is over and the craziness is slowly winding down. It was a brilliant Christmas this year. Family, good friends beautiful weather and amazing food,(Boombahs, here I come).

My homemade teepee gifts were very well received. I have attached some pictures.

Our visitors have left and my spare room will again become mine all mine. I fear however, that time may well be my enemy yet again. Still a whole month of school holidays plus a non-existant husband/father to assist with the mentalness of the 5pm feeding/bedtime routine, means it will be well past 9pm before I can get anything constructive done. 
January is starting to feel like my own personal Mt. Everest. I am preparing myself for very little time or energy for anything outside of child rearing over the next 4 weeks. 

My challenge is to post something creative everyday throughout the remainder of January as therapy for myself. That's 28 days of at least one creative pursuit per day. Can I manage it? It will be tough. Stay posted for an interesting creative journey.......


  1. Honey those teepees are amaaazing! you are such a clever little sausage. and yes, please will help get Feb here a little faster xxx

  2. hearing you on the feeding/bathing! i do it solo every night and there are nights I wish someone would walk in and say oh don't worry corrie, I'll do that for you!

    happy creating! it's my sanity!
