Monday, January 10, 2011

The dog ate my homework

I know, it's already Monday and I've had a few dry Blogging days mainly due to overwork, heat and exhaustion. I slept a full 12 hours on Saturday night, after a fun and busy day at a party and the beach with the boys and our friends, (minus hubby, I might add).
So, a bit too much sun and child rearing alone took its toll and I fell into my bed just after the boys at 7.30pm. 

Excuses! Excuses! I hear you cry. It's not that I haven't been doing creative things, I just haven't had a chance to blog about them.

My good friend Mel reminded me that I managed to bake a batch of our favourite orange and carrot muffins before 9am on Friday. Not bad going for me. Unfortunately, as usual, they didn't last long enough to photograph, so you'll have to take my word for it.

I've also been doing more work on the Scavenger Hunt Idea for Dylan's birthday on Wednesday, which I'll photograph when its finished.

Today, however, has been my day. With Ned back at occasional care and Dylan at tennis camp, I managed to grab a couple of hours to indulge. After and hour of boot camp, (Go Boombahs), I got stuck into some therapy. Not one single chore including dinner prep got done. Liberating!!

I found this divine fabric which reminded me of giraffe skin and have been meaning to create something with it for a while. My youngest, absolutely loves giraffes. Anyway, here's what evolved. 

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